Perhaps you are racking your brain to find something to do to keep your mind and body active and occupied. If you have binged through everything on your Netflix watchlist, gotten to the bottom of your reading list, or are just feeling a bit fidgety and restless come the weekend, consider things that you could try in order to keep yourself entertained.
Learn a New Language
It is a bit of a cliche and an obvious one, but learning a new language is a great way to spend an enforced time at home. You can then use your newfound skills to impress the locals and really immerse yourself in the culture and language of the country you are visiting. Not only that, but it also shows much greater respect for other countries. It is also a really good skill to have on your resume when it comes to applying for future jobs. Employers see candidates with a second (or third, or fourth) language as a valuable asset for a company, enabling them to communicate with clients all over the world. It also demonstrates that you have respect for other cultures, are interested in communication, and have the self-discipline and motivation to learn something new, and often difficult. Whether you take part in an online class or use an app or a recognized language program, there are many ways in which you can become bi-lingual by the end of the pandemic.
Learn to Cook
Basic cooking skills should not just be a hobby, but something essential. If you can't cook, look at this as an investment of your time. If you can already cook, look at developing these skills further and seeing if you can go from a basic home cook to something a little bit special. The good thing about cooking is that in terms of financial investment, it is very cheap. You will already have food in your house, so look at how you can prepare it more creatively. You don't have to attend any fancy online classes either, although some cook-along courses can be really helpful. All you need is a bit of creativity and imagination, and if you want, access to the internet or cookbooks to give you ideas and inspiration.
Learn an Instrument
Most of us have desires to learn an instrument but cite the time to commit to learning it as a barrier. Of course, it is one of the more expensive hobbies to get started on, as if you do not already own the instrument that you want to learn, as you may need to rent or buy it. There is plenty of information online, such as at pickmypiano.com, to help you choose the right instrument or model for you. Once you have that, it is time to find a way of learning. There are plenty of virtual classes offering lessons, and many one-to-one tutors offer online lessons in lieu of their regular on-person tuition.
Learn to Dance
Maybe you have always wanted to learn how to dance, but have been a little self-conscious about attending a class? Well, you do not need to be shy about trying out some new dances in the comfort of your own home. Whether you use a social media platform and copy the viral dances or you choose to be a little more serious and learn to do some Bollywood moves, or maybe a spot of belly dancing or street dancing, the internet, and YouTube, in particular, is your friend here. Close the curtains, shut the blinds, and work up a sweat. Before you know it, you will be able to show off your smooth new moves in the club.
Learn to Paint or Draw
Art courses and online videos are abundant, but they can also be done off the cuff as long as you have a canvas and materials to work with. Sit in your yard, with a drink and your media of choice, and see what you can come up with.
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