Looking for tips and tricks that will have you improving your golf score beyond what you could imagine? There's no shortcut to being a great golfer, but if you're willing to put in some work and stay consistent, these five tips will significantly boost your game both mentally and physically. They're not fancy or exciting. But they're highly effective. We'll delve into the reasons why taking these actions can make such a huge difference to your game and give you some ideas of how to incorporate them into your weekly schedule for the best results.
Spend Time on the Range
Yes, the idea of spending time on the driving range hitting balls at nothing makes many golfers roll their eyes! But the truth is, the range is where the best golfers are made. We all want to get out on the course, play a round with our friends, and improve our scores in a real-world environment. But the range has some benefits over the course, and you're doing yourself a disservice if you aren't spending time on it regularly. The driving range might seem like it's the same old thing again and again, but this is how you hone your skills. You hit the same shot over and over with the aim of improving it, until landing it where you want it becomes easy. The same is true for chipping green and putting green. It might not be fun or action-packed, but every shot you hit takes you closer to improving your golf score. With some regular practice on the range, shots that you used to find tricky become easy; and that skill translates perfectly onto the real course. By spending a few hours a week on the driving range and putting green, you'll likely be surprised at how quickly your game improves.
Get Golf Fit
Yes, you don't often see golfers with rippling muscles. But you may be surprised at how much a golf-geared gym routine can boost your game! The stronger you are, the more power behind your drive, and the fitter you are, the easier you'll find it to walk the course. Did you know that the golf swing works the chest, the biceps, the forearms, the shoulders, the core, and the glutes? If you want more power behind your drive, strengthening those muscles is the key. We highly recommend getting to the gym at least three times a week and doing a push/pull/core pattern. You can follow any gym program you want, but incorporating the following exercises can help you gain that strength quickly: squats, lunges, deadlifts, military press, bench press, planks, leg raises, Russian twists, and deadbugs.
Invest in a Good Golf App
We all have smartphones with us at all times. If you want to get better at your game, a golf app is an excellent idea! You can find a variety of golf-related apps, including rangefinders. But if you want a golf app that's going to help you improve your score, look for one that allows you to track your stats and to video your swing to analyze it later on. Apps we recommend include Golf Coach, Golfshot, and 18Birdies. 18Birdies is one of the most comprehensive free apps available. It's an excellent starting point, and you can always upgrade to the paid plan later! Golfshot is the best you'll find for course details, so if you're keen to learn how reading the course can improve your game, it's the one for you. Golf Coach is fantastic for video analysis, and it also plays right into our next point.
Get a Coach
Golf coaching might seem daunting for some and might seem like an unnecessary expense for others. But if you want to go from beginner to intermediate very quickly or from intermediate to borderline pro, getting professional coaching is a necessary step. Coaching is the best way to fix small issues in your form that could be holding you back from playing at your full potential. A coach will be able to spot things that you didn't even know you were doing and give you exercises and drills to correct them. Plus, going for regular coaching keeps you accountable. It's easy to skip your weekly driving range date, but when you've got a coach who's committed to helping you improve your game, you're much less likely to skip a training session. And consistency is half the battle won.
Visualize the Results
Yes, this one might sound a little new-agey, but don't underestimate the power of a little visualization. We aren't talking about meditating or going into a trance-like state. But we are talking about taking some time to meditate on how you hit each shot can make a significant difference. You can do this at any time. Close your eyes and imagine you're standing, holding your golf club, getting ready to play your shot. Picture things from your own eyes; don't see yourself standing there, BE yourself! Play through the shot. Feel how it feels. Notice every movement. How does your grip feel? How do your feet move? Play through your shot paying attention to perfect form. Evidence suggests that the brain can't tell the difference between an imagined movement and the real thing, so this is an excellent form of practicing the ideal form.
Improving your golf score doesn't happen overnight. It takes determination, action, and consistency over a prolonged period of time. But if you choose the right actions, you'll notice that your score improves much faster than you expect. The actions we've laid out in this article will help. Remember, there are no shortcuts when it comes to improving your game! You need to dedicate yourself to your cause and invest time and effort in it. But if you do, you'll fly past your competitors and start making waves in your local golf tournaments! Give these 5 tips a try. Some may resonate more with you than others, but we can guarantee that taking these actions consistently will boost your game and improve your score.