The Flash List spoke with Chad Prather, host of the cable television show It's My Backyard, at a recent launch party for RIDE TV, the new 24-hour cable television network dedicated to the American horse lifestyle and culture.
TFL: Tell us about It's My Backyard.
CP: Originally, our plan was to do a man-on-the-street deal. We thought about doing it in the Stockyards here where you have tourists and people out having a good time and drinking and getting freed up. It evolved. With the name It's My Backyard, they said Let's take it to different cities.
No matter where you go, it my backyard. We'll feature local restaurants, events, nightlife, and always try to tie it into an equine event. Still we keep the mindset that we want to talk to the people and make it funny. So every interview kind of leads up to a punch line. We think it's funny.
TFL: Did you come up with the idea?
CP: It was Craig Morris' idea originally. He thought of the man-on-the-street-type thing, and we did that for a couple of episodes. We came up with a topic; like the first episode we ever did was on historic movie cowboys, and we said, Let's say you're a damsel in distress, you're tied down on a railroad track, and a movie cowboy is coming to save you ... which one do you want to come save you?
So that kinda deal. But it kind of evolved into 'tell us about the place and the location,' and things like that. We've had a good time with it; it's been a lot of fun. And like I said, everything leads up to a punch line. It's one of their 'comedy' shows. I hope. My wife laughs at it.
TFL: What would you say it's rated?
CP: Originally, that was the pattern that they looked at, and then it evolved into a little bit more risque ... but of course we gave it a TV-14 rating, and we said, Let's take it to the edge; let's just not go any further.
It's really kinda come back to a PG rating, you know, with the locations ... there's always some history to it, there's some location history, there's a lot of fun stuff. We like it. They told me, they said, Here's what we're gonna do. We want you to go to these places and go into bars and restaurants and just talk to people.
I said, Hell, I've been doing that for 20 years! Now you're gonna pay me to do it? That's easy enough!
Ride Television Network, Inc. is a privately held corporation based in Fort Worth, Texas currently available through KlowdTV live streaming service and coming soon to a variety of cable companies.
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Chad Prather