Petalous Publishing, LLC launches Pickleball Poetry: Fun and Whimsical Verses to Dink About by Doug Snelson, award-winning author, and 4.0+ pickleball player.
The book celebrates the people who play America's fastest-growing sport.It includes 32 poems reflecting the physical challenges and emotions every pickleball player experiences. The author captures the essence of the game with a sense of humor and compassion to create a fun, amusing, and entertaining book.
Poems include Pickled, Third Shot Drop, The Kitchen, Hand Battle, Hydration, That Shot Was Out!, My Knees Hurt, and many more. Most poems are written in couplets and iambic meters, making each unexpected, engaging, and easy to read. Humorous color illustrations accompany each poem enhancing the reading and entertainment experience of every verse.
And Paddle Click
A word about the truth,
We all call sportsmanship.
No need to be uncouth,
Be slow to let your inside slip.
Treat with respect, they did their best,
Good shot, good try, play fair,
What troubles you should lie to rest,
A good sport means you care.
It's just a game, you win, you lose,
Play hard, play kind, be in the thick.
Play for the love, avoid the blues,
End with a smile, and paddle click.
The Pickler's Pickleball Blog posted an article about the author, From Doubles to Couplets: Pickleball Poetry is Here.
The humor in it is a humor of recognition. He coyly makes some observations that will ring true to many players ... It's a breezy collection that can be read in a single setting. Think of it more as a pleasant dessert than a full meal.
I hope this book makes every pickleball player smile,
Snelson wrote in the book's introduction. As in life, always play the soft game, be patient, laugh a lot and paddle click.
Petalous Publishing, LLC, co-founded by Doug and Diane Snelson; the company writes, edits, designs, publishes, markets, and distributes its books. The small independent publishing press released its previous poetry title, Laughter Includes the Word: Revealed, A Life of Poetry.
The book is a collection of sixty-three poems reflecting the author's unique poetic perspective on the everyday events of his life spanning five decades. It has received several awards and critical acclaim from nationally recognized poets and reviewers.
Petalous Publishing also received multiple awards for excellence in early childhood development for its children's picture books. Titles include, Who's Got the Face?, about a mischievous dog named Face; The Fable of the Snake Named Slim, about a snake who wobbles instead of wiggles and Everybody Deserves a Hug, a timeless, universal message of love, kindness, and understanding.
Doug Snelson holds a BS in Communications from Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Communications and an MA in Communications from William Paterson University. He served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. Originally from New Jersey, Doug lives in South Carolina and is married to Diane.
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Doug Snelson