All right ... here's looking at you, kid. From Bogart and Bergman to Sandler and Barrymore, it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
1933 | King Kong
1935 | Mutiny on the Bounty
1936 | Modern Times
1939 | Gone With the Wind
1939 | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
1939 | Stagecoach
1939 | The Wizard of Oz
1939 | Wuthering Heights
1940 | The Shop Around the Corner
1941 | Citizen Kane
1942 | Casablanca
1946 | The Best Years of Our Lives
1950 | All About Eve
1950 | Sunset Boulevard
1951 | A Streetcar Named Desire
1951 | The African Queen
1952 | The Quiet Man
1953 | From Here to Eternity
1953 | Roman Holiday
1954 | Sabrina
1957 | An Affair to Remember
1957 | Old Yeller
1958 | Vertigo
1959 | North by Northwest
1961 | Breakfast at Tiffany's
1961 | West Side Story
1962 | Lawrence of Arabia
1962 | The Manchuria Candidate
1962 | To Kill a Mockingbird
1962 | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
1964 | My Fair Lady
1965 | The Sound Of Music
1967 | The Graduate
1971 | The Last Picture Show
1971 | Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
1973 | American Graffiti
1973 | Paper Moon
1973 | The Sting
1977 | Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
1977 | Star Wars
1978 | Grease
1980 | Urban Cowboy
1981 | On Golden Pond
1982 | E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
1982 | Fast Times at Ridgemont High
1983 | Flashdance
1983 | Risky Business
1984 | Footloose
1984 | Karate Kid
1985 | Back to the Future
1985 | Breakfast Club
1985 | St. Elmo's Fire
1986 | Ferris Bueller's Day Off
1986 | Top Gun
1987 | Dirty Dancing
1987 | The Lost Boys
1988 | Coming to America
1988 | Rain Man
1993 | Sleepless in Seattle
1993 | Tombstone
1994 | Forrest Gump
1997 | Titanic
1998 | The Wedding Singer
1999 | The Matrix
2004 | The Notebook
2004 | The Phantom of the Opera
2005 | Pride & Prejudice
2013 | The Great Gatsby