Shakespeare Dallas is delighted to announce the 2024 Shakespeare in the Park season: The Odyssey and Twelfth Night this summer followed by Julius Caesar in the fall. Early Bird subscription tickets are now available: three tickets (one for each show) for just $50 (that's $16 per show!), six tickets for $95, or 12 tickets for $175. Beware the Ides of March! Early Bird pricing ends on March 15th.
Subscription tickets are flexible; there's no need to commit to performance dates in advance. Tickets can also be used by one person for multiple performances or a group for one performance. An All-Access Pass is also available for $125 per person and allows the passholder to attend as many shows as they'd like. Subscriber benefits include early entry to the park and preferred seating.
The 2024 Season includes:
Scenes from The Odyssey by Mary Zimmerman adapted from the translation of The Odyssey
by Robert Fitzgerald directed by Danielle Georgiou, Justin Locklear, and Jenni Stewart: A modern young woman is struggling to understand Robert Fitzgerald's translation of Homer's The Odyssey when suddenly a Greek muse appears, and the young woman becomes the goddess Athena and a tireless advocate for Odysseus in his struggle to get home. With her trademark irreverent and witty twist on classic works, Zimmerman brings to life the epic story of Odysseus's ten-year journey, depicting his encounters with characters such as Circe, the Cyclops, Poseidon, Calypso, the Sirens, and others.
Twelfth Night directed by Rob Clare: Hilarity ensues in this classic Shakespeare romantic comedy through a classic case of mistaken identity. When Viola and her twin brother Sebastian are shipwrecked and believe the other to be drowned, Viola disguises herself as a young man and, under the name of Cesario, gets a job as a servant for the Duke, Orsino.
Julius Caesar directed by Katie Ibrahim: Concerned that Julius Caesar poses a threat to democracy, revolutionaries take the violent decision to murder him. As the world spins out of control, chaos and superstition lead to civil war in this exciting Shakespearean tragedy.
The Odyssey and Twelfth Night will run concurrently June 14 through July 21, 2024 as part of the 52nd Shakespeare in the Park summer festival. Julius Caesar will run September 13 - October 13, 2024. All three shows will take place outdoors at the Samuell-Grand Amphitheater (1500 Tenison Parkway Dallas, TX). Picnicking is encouraged and beer and wine is allowed. Buy early bird tickets here.
About Shakespeare Dallas
For over 50 years, Shakespeare Dallas has entertained North Texas with exciting and accessible indoor and outdoor theatre, integrated school programs, community events, and cultural enrichment. Performing for more than 25,000 attendees each year, Shakespeare Dallas is best known for the beloved Shakespeare in the Park series, producing quality works the way Shakespeare was meant to be enjoyed: under the stars.
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