BvB Dallas is a non-profit organization that brings young professionals together to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's disease research and support organizations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Having raised over $5 million since 2008, BvB Dallas was created by a group of young-professional women as a way to honor and remember loved ones who have suffered from Alzheimer's and related diseases. Each year the organization hosts a variety of fundraising and educational events as a way for Dallas philanthropists to help eradicate this grave disease, culminating in its flagship event—a flag-football game between the Legion of Blue & Team Blitz.
After cancelling last year's game due to the pandemic, the players and coaches are back for the 14th Annual BvB Dallas Powder-Puff Football Game at the Cotton Bowl at Fair Park on Saturday, August 7. The event kicks off at 7:00 p.m., with the after-party immediately following the game. Your $25 or more donation to BvB Dallas gains your entrance to the game and after-party. There are no physical tickets. All donors' names will be held at will-call on Game Day at the stadium.
The event takes place at The Cotton Bowl at 3750 The Midway, Dallas, TX 75215 on August 7, 2021.
7:00 pm Pre-gameshow
7:30 pm Kick-off
9:30 pm Afterparty
Highlights include and intense football game featuring Dallas young philanthropists and athletes commentated by Ty Walker, Donovan Lewis, and Mike Sirois of Sportsradio 1310 The Ticket as well as the check presentation to the 2021 beneficiaries including The Center for BrainHealth, UT Southwestern, The Senior Source, Juliette Fowler Communities, and Alzheimer's Association. The BvB after-party is presented by Community Beer Company and Peticolas Brewing Company.
See additional information below or visit:
BvB Dallas