Everyone wants to be stylish, and quite a few people want to be known as the stylish friend. That isn't the case for most people, no matter how much they try. Work, social obligations, and other things can all get in the way of actually putting the effort into it. You don't need to settle for being unfashionable, however. With the right fashion tips to become the stylish friend, you'll look amazing with ease, and you shouldn't even need to put much effort into it. As great as that sounds, where do you even start with this? Seven practical and easy tips make sure it's as easy as possible, so they're worth taking a look at.
1. Know Your Body Shape
One of the first rules of style you'll need to follow is to make sure your clothes fit properly. You'll need to know your body shape to do this. By knowing this, you can better determine which fit of clothes you should go for, especially if you want to highlight specific areas. Once you know this, you can fill your wardrobe with clothes that compliment your figure rather than hide it. They'll highlight your favorite features, making you look more stylish before you even know it. Take the time to figure this out.
2. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
Everyone has comfort zones, with a lot of this often relating to their fashion sense. They'll stick to what they know and think they look good in. By stepping outside of your style comfort zone, you could end up making your style much more appealing. It's one of the more practical fashion tips to become the stylish friend. While this means putting some effort into experimentation, it should be more than worth it. You'll end up finding a few outfit ideas and clothes you never would've considered before. You could improve your wardrobe much more than you'd think.
3. Choose the Right Stores
The stores you buy from make a significant impact on the clothes you have. They'll only have a limited number of options, after all, so you'll only find so much you actually like. By choosing the right stores and shopping from several options, you make sure you have plenty of clothes to choose from. With an online boutique, you wouldn't even need to leave the house to find some clothes you'll love. It also lets you browse a few stores with ease, and you wouldn't have to worry about getting from place to place at all. Clothes shopping will never be easier.
4. Accesssorize
Putting together an outfit doesn't just mean putting some clothes on. You'll need to think about the entire look, and that goes beyond making sure clothing complements other pieces. You'll also need to worry about accessories, which can be complicated for more than a few people. It doesn't need to be as confusing as you'd think. Focus on having one statement accessory per outfit. Make sure this complements the overall outfit while enhancing the overall look. With a solid statement accessory, you'll pull the outfit together much more than you'd think. It's a small aspect that reaps major returns on a look.
5. Plan It Out
Everyone knows the morning rush where they're running late and need to get everything done quickly. Between getting ready for work, getting kids ready for school, having breakfast, and similar tasks, you mightn't have the time to think of your outfit. Your style could end up suffering because of this. You can prevent this by planning things out ahead of time. One day a week, take the time to plan out what you'll wear for the week. It takes the stress out of getting ready last-minute, and you could avoid any faux pas when you're rushing around.
6. Try a Statement Shoe
One of the more overlooked aspects of putting together an outfit is the shoe. These can make or break an outfit, however, so you'll have to put some effort into them. You don't need to have dozens of pairs so you have an option for every outfit with this. Instead, it could be as simple as having a versatile statement shoe. These can be paired with more outfits than you'd expect, and can help to complete the overall look. If you're not a fan of heels, then flats can be a great option for this. Don't go too formal with this, and you'll make sure the shoe can be added to almost anything. It'll be a quick, easy, and stylish option to choose, no matter the occasion.
7. Get Inspired
Putting together an outfit can often be complicated, no matter what you have in your wardrobe. One of the easier ways to get over this is to seek out fashion inspiration. You can find this almost anywhere, from brands posting on Instagram to the people you see every day. The trick to this is to actually look for inspiration and try to use it with your outfits. Look for people or brands that you think are fashionable and see how you can work their clothes into your daily life. You don't even need to use the entire outfit with this, but look at how they accessorize and match clothes. It gives you something tangible you can do to improve your style.
If you want to be more fashionable and become known as the stylish friend in your group, it could seem like a complicated thing to do. If your friends are already stylish, it could even seem impossible, but it isn't. With the right fashion tips to become the stylish friend, it's a lot easier than you'd think. Getting some fashion inspiration, shopping at the right stores, trying a statement shoe, and similar tips will all be notable for this. With a little work, you'll look amazing before you know it, and your friends could be coming to you for fashion advice. What's not to love?
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