If you find yourself struggling to decide what to do this weekend, it could be that you have a desire to try something new, you just aren't sure what! It is understandable that you don't want to risk your only two precious days off during the week on an activity that is going to let you down. How do you know what type of activity to choose? Step out of your comfort zone and choose to purchase ufc tickets instead of football tickets. Instead of taking selfies at home in the mirror, challenge yourself and friends to a digital scavenger hunt. The choices are only limited to your imagination! To get you started, here are four fun things to do on the weekend.
Escape the Room
Most major cities have escape room< and team building games that are perfect for a group of friends on an otherwise boring weekend. What better way to bond than to play to each of your strengths and work together to solve a mystery. If it is close to Halloween time, there is a good chance for some added theatrics to make the experience even more enjoyable. You can also scour Facebook events near you, search for escape room games and find an event almost immediately. Another great plan is to create your own escape game—anywhere you are! There are several games you can purchase to create your own experiences, or just one that is as easy to set-up as a board game and can be played anywhere! These games can be played by participants of all ages, and it is an entertaining and fun way to sharpen your problem-solving skills and just have fun with friends.
UFC Tickets
If you can get tickets to a UFC event, anyone who has ever attended one will tell you it is worth going. The events are lively, and you never know who you might see at one! Including the fighters themselves. Unlike football or other sporting events, UFC champions remain accessible (who is going to mess with one?). It's possible to meet them in the crowd watching other fighters, or in the press area of the area. Also, a lot of celebrities attend UFC events, you never know what selfie opportunities may present themselves. The crowd and ambiance are a lot of fun at UFC events. As with most sports fans you ask, they will tell you the experience is just much more fulfilling when live and in-person. Your energy can impact the energy of the room and the fighters themselves. It's a very immersive experience. Get some UFC tickets for you and your friends and be the hero that saved you all from a weekend of boredom.
Digital Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are severely underrated! Most of them require trivia or clues to find the next one, leading you all around to different parts of your home, property, or even town. There is even a global scavenger hunt, but we will start with small steps. Everyone has a cell phone, so prepare a digital scavenger hunt. Think about the area where the game will be played. Assuming you are playing with adults who have vehicles, you can choose well-known landmarks in the area where people have to travel and take a photo. But don't stop there. It should not be enough for players to just take a photo. Be sure to add a little 'twist' to the instructions. For example, you could make> the challenge to get a photo of three random people without their shoes and socks on in front of the main grocery store. Don't be limited by overthinking it! Keep it light and fun.
Tour Your Town
If a solo weekend is in your plans, treat yourself to an educational journey of discovery and explore or tour your town. It's likely that you have been to the major tourist attractions (or boycotted them due to being a local). There's no better way to enjoy yourself than to discover something new in your own backyard. If there is a museum in the area you haven't visited for a while, go there. The same is true if there is a local zoo. Visiting these places not only helps keep them in business, but it can also help you connect to your local community. Or what about enjoying a leisurely meal where you can get the best weekend brunch? You could try something you've never eaten before and you never know—it might become your new favorite dish. Does your town have a local theatre? If so, buy a ticket to a Sunday matinee. Usually, those performances have great seats available at cheaper rates. It's a great way to support the arts in your town.
Challenge your mind this weekend, or just go let off some steam and cheer on your favorite UFC fighter. Whatever you decide to do this weekend, remember to enjoy yourself.
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