Drummers are the bad boys of rock. Located behind the main line-up, drummers have a reputation ranging from charismatic to weird. Out on a limb, yet an essential part of the rhythm, drummers are a bit of an enigma. Here, we look at why they have such a bad reputation and their hold on up-and-coming musicians.
What Is the Classic Reputation of a Rock Drummer?
Drummers have a reputation for being wild with lifestyles fueled by drinking and partying. However, a bad reputation often also equals charisma. Many drumming fans are interested in the choice of drums, brand, and set-up, copying their idols when looking for the best base drum or the best snare drum head. Rock drummers can set sales alight with their use of a particular drum or by devising their unique and distinctive method of playing. Take, for example, iconic drummers John Bonham from Led Zeppelin and Keith Moon from The Who. Both perfectly embody the rock and roll lifestyle. Bonham's Black Dog
set new standards for drumming. Both men died in their early thirties but still have a cult following because of their undisputed skill.
Why Are Drummers the Bad Boys of Rock?
Why are drummers singled out? The physicality of playing the drums is one indicator that creates this image of a wild and uncontrollable personality. Playing the drums is the ultimate form of musical expression, one that requires demanding technique, physical movement, and often explosive energy. Drumming is not just a workout but a musically driven experience. Many drummers are supremely able musicians, singing and playing other instruments. Within the music industry itself, drummers are high-value. However, because of this, some let their role go to their heads. Many groups find it hard to keep a good drummer since decent drummers know their worth.
Bucking the Trend
There is always an exception that proves the rule, perfectly demonstrated in Charlie Watts, the all-time legendary drummer of The Rolling Stones. Now there's a band that is the embodiment of the rock lifestyle. Charlie Watts broke the mold of rock drummers. He was calm, stoic, and understated, a misfit compared to the other band members. A private and reserved character, he stayed out of the limelight and was the antithesis of the loud, brash drummer. Watts described himself as one of those people who just play instruments. The Rolling Stones are the soundtrack to the lives of many people, and they beg to differ.
Is the Drummer's Bad Reputation Unfair?
Yes and no! The drummers are the rhythmical lynchpin of the set, unifying the other band members and helping them interact and stay on beat. If you take the time to scratch below the surface, you will often find much more to these characters than meets the eye in raw musical talent and ability. However, many famous drummers have embraced the rock lifestyle right up to the hilt and played up to the bad boy image.
Drummers have a reputation for flamboyance and an overwhelming, often outrageous character. But those in the know understand that this is often a façade that hides serious musical talent and ability.
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