When you're gong to be away from home for longer than a few days, ensuring your house is safe is crucial. Whether you have guests coming over or a housecleaner planning to stop by, you can take measures to keep your home secure and give yourself peace of mind when you're not around. Do this by taking some simple steps to ensure no one breaks into your home while you are gone. Below are a few Best Home Security tips you should consider to keep your home safe:
Set Up an Alarm System
If you'll be gone for a few days, install an alarm system in your home so that if an unauthorized person breaks into the house, it will notify the police immediately. If the house is empty, set the alarm and install motion sensors that will sound off whenever someone moves around inside. This way, if there's a break-in or fire, the police know about it immediately and respond as quickly as possible. The best part: You'll get peace of mind knowing that if anything happens while you're gone, help is just a phone call away!
Inform Your Alarm Company
Alert your alarm company about any changes in your routine. Include things such as going out of town for an extended period or moving into a new place for work-related reasons. Doing this lets them know about potential issues with your security system before they occur. They can immediately notify you and the police if anything goes wrong while you're away from home.
Set Timers on Interior Lights
Ensure you turn on lights when you're away from home. Use timers or motion sensors to turn lights on and off when you're not at home so that you won't leave them on accidentally during your absence (and cause unnecessary energy loss). Consider using solar power for lights if possible. It's also vital that you check any smoke detectors regularly. At the same time, you're gone—replace batteries when required and test them often to ensure they work properly in case there's an emergency during your absence.
Don't Leave Spare Keys Outdoors
If someone wanted to break into your house while you're away, they could use spare keys to gain entry, so keep these keys locked up somewhere secure until you return home. Also, lock all doors and windows at night and whenever you leave the house. Ensure everything is closed including garage doors and gates at night (whether automatic or not). It will help prevent burglars from getting inside the house without being noticed by neighbors or police officers.
Ask for Help From Neighbors
Ask someone who lives near where you live to make sure everything is safe and check on the mailbox, doors, windows, etc. You may also ask them to housesit and hold down the fort until you return to ensure everything is safe.
Having a plan is the most crucial thing. You can keep your home secure while away if you create a plan and follow it. Additionally, ensure the plan is reasonable and addresses all potential outcomes. There are other security tools you may employ in your house as well. When you use them, the security in your home, whether you are home or not, will be significantly improved.
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