If you've ever wakened after a night of drinking with a dry mouth, headache, and nausea, then you probably drank too much alcohol and not enough water. Hydration is important daily, but it becomes even more important when consuming alcohol. Consider these tips for avoiding dehydration when consuming alcohol.
Why Does Hydration Matter?
The human body is comprised of approximately 60% water, so it stands to reason that keeping the body hydrated is a crucial task. Water is vital for just about every function in the body. Water helps maintain blood volume and proper circulation, acts as a solvent for chemical reactions, and even helps transport nutrients and waste. When you become deprived of water, you can experience a weakened immune system, kidney stones, headaches, decreased cognitive performance, and fatigue. Lack of water can also cause the body to hold on to weight and decrease your physical performance. Water is essential to the body, and it can experience significant effects when alcohol is introduced into the system. You may be surprised to learn about some of the effects alcohol can have on hydration.
What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?
When consumed in excess, alcohol causes dehydration by removing water and vital nutrients from the body. Even when consuming drinks with hydrating ingredients like soda water, the hydration is not generally enough to offset the damage caused by the alcohol. One way you lose water and nutrients when you drink is from excessive urination. Alcohol has a diuretic effect on the body, which causes more frequent urination. This happens when alcohol inhibits the release of vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone. Alcohol can cause delays in stomach emptying which could potentially trigger vomiting. Vomiting, more than anything, will cause you to become further dehydrated. So, it's best to avoid getting to this point.
How Much Can I Drink Before Becoming Dehydrated?
It is important to note that as little as one drink can cause you to become dehydrated. However, the type of drink you choose will affect this. Beer, for example, will have fewer dehydrating effects than liquor. Once you get past your first couple of drinks, you will surely experience some of the effects of dehydration. And if you drink excessively to the point of making yourself sick, prepare to catch up on your water intake the next day.
How Can I Stay Better Hydrated?
The good news is that there are plenty of ways to keep yourself hydrated during a night out. The task of hydration should start well before you even head out for the night. If you know you will be drinking in the evening, ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Going into a night of drinking already dehydrated is a recipe for disaster. So, make sure you start your intake early and well before you have your first drink. Before your first drink of the night, consider drinking a hangover drink. Hangover drinks are great for hydration. They also address the loss of nutrients with ingredients rich in the vitamins and minerals that are commonly depleted while drinking. This will not only help you to stay better hydrated while consuming alcohol, but you will also be more likely to experience less severe hangovers the next day.
After staying adequately hydrated all day, you will want to keep this up throughout the night. The best thing you can do to keep track of your water intake is to use the one-to-one ratio. This means you will alternate alcoholic drinks with water throughout the night. This is the best way to ensure your alcohol intake doesn't outpace your water intake. Also, consider what type of drinks you are choosing. As previously mentioned, drinks with higher water content will be slightly less dehydrated than drinks with no water content. Try to steer clear of wine and straight liquor like shots or martinis. Instead, opt for beer or a vodka soda. When you wake up the morning after, ensure you start your water intake immediately. Even when taking all the proper steps, dehydration can still occur. This is why it is important to start replenishing your fluids as soon as you wake up. Following these steps before, during, and after a night out can ensure a better drinking experience. Keep yourself hydrated to avoid hangovers and keep your body functioning as it should.
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