There's nothing better than heading out with your significant other on date night and taking in a fantastic meal and a few drinks—but it can often come with a cost. Food systems are responsible for up to 34% of global emissions, and one way to tackle this is through embracing sustainable power in the form of renewable energy. Texas is a state doing more than most in this regard, and date night in many of its cities will provide amazing food—and a sense of doing right for the planet.
Texas is a sun-drenched state and so has some of the best potential for solar power usage anywhere. Residential and small-scale commercial installation of solar panels has dropped significantly in price, starting at $9,953 for 5KwH of power. In Austin, businesses and the city have taken to this with aplomb. As The Hill highlights, the recent exceptionally hot weather has been mitigated by huge solar power uptake, and has also enabled restaurants to stay online, providing great food and experiences despite the heat. Among the most sustainable centrally located restaurants in Austin are Trace, Case de Luz Village, and Bouldin Creek Cafe.
Dallas isn't far behind Austin in the sustainability stakes, as it uses a huge amount of solar power every year and is one of the top cities in the world on that metric. As a result, restaurants have paired up their sustainability with the use of renewable energy—and to great effect. Of particular note is Restaurant Beatrice, on North Beckley Ave, which marries sustainability with classic creole food. Tapping into Creole food is a great way to tell stories of sustainability as older American communities often have a commitment to minimizing waste and a cultural tradition of using everything they have.
Houston has affirmed its commitment to sustainability in order to make commitments to becoming greener. Solar power uptake is huge as further north, and that means restaurants will often provide a sustainable experience. Date night can go down particularly well at Pat Greer's Kitchen and Ambriza, two well-known sustainability hotspots that provide a good range of eco-friendly options and the comfort that you know you're doing right when visiting them.
Texas is an oil-heavy state; however, it's also in a prime location to benefit from alternate energy options. In the big cities, that's happening, and it means restaurants are becoming more sustainable too.
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