There tends to be something unique about every cuisine in the world, and even Spanish cuisine is different from Mexican or Indian. The ingredients and ways of cooking may be well known, but few things are as culturally-influenced as food. Many societies place an emphasis on meals among other things, and Spanish gastronomy is no exception. Food and traditional dishes are of great importance for Spanish people, and they can be quite proud of what they have to offer. The country is comprised of many regions, and they are significantly varied in the types of regional cuisine. As diverse as each region can be, a common thread can be found in some basic and traditional ingredients such as rice.
Interestingly enough, rice was brought by Moors many centuries ago, but Spanish people seemed to have perfected a way of expanding rice plantations. It was originally something of a fancy ingredient, so not everyone could afford a meal that included rice; but rice eventually became extremely popular and is nowadays used in most Spanish recipes despite the region or the meal. Spanish cuisine as we know it today has evolved from many influences over the years by importing ingredients such as potatoes, tomatoes, maize, and peppers as well as making the most out of the coastal regions. Spanish food is often considered to be part of Mediterranean cuisine, and seafood is almost a must in every Spanish meal. When considering Spanish and seafood together, you may think about paella; but there's something you may not know about this classic meal. Although many similar American dishes may include seafood from off the coast of Alaska, the traditional paella recipe called Valencian Paella does not include seafood.
- 14 oz. chicken
- 14 oz. rabbit
- 14 oz. of rice
- 10 oz. large white beans
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 1 cup sliced red pepper
- 1 cup tomato sauce
- 1 tbsp chili pepper
- 4 tbsp saffron
- 1 tbsp paprika
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Pour some olive oil into a paella pan, and add the chicken and rabbit pieces.
- Season meat and cook over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until all is browned.
- Slice red peppers, cut snow peas, add to pan, stir, and simmer for an extra ten minutes.
- Add rinsed white beans and stir to mix all ingredients.
- Add tomato sauce and keep stirring.
- Season with saffron, parika, salt, and pepper to taste.
- Mix and ensure all ingredients blend together. Keep stirring.
- Add the chicken broth, stir thoroughly, and let mix come to a boil.
- Add rice, mix ingredients well, and do not stir anymore.
- Increase heat to high and let cook for about seven minutes.
- Then set heat to low and let cook uncovered for an extra ten minutes.
- Take the pan out of the heat, move the rice gently, and check whether the bottom is dry.
- If water is absorbed, remove pan from heat and let dish rest for a few minutes before serving.
Many rice meals, such as risotto and paella, may seem to be quite similar. However, not only can paella be easier to make since you can let it cook on its own, but you can easily enjoy a glass of wine along the process. This win-win situation may be reason enough to try out the recipe this coming spring season.
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