Chocolate is beloved the world over, and for good reason. If you can get your hands on high-quality chocolate, then you're in for a creamy, decadent, and complex treat. But you'd be surprised at how versatile chocolate can be. Different types of chocolate can be used in a variety of ways, here are just a few.
1. Simply Eat It
Yes, one of the best ways to enjoy chocolate is simply to eat it. With your typical supermarket chocolate bars, there isn't much more to do than to snack on it from time to time; but the best chocolate ought to be appreciated. Chocolate, like good wine, can be tasted in such a way that lets every nuance shine through. Well-tempered chocolate should be glossy and have a satisfying snap
when broken. Chocolate also melts at around room temperature, so rather than chewing it up and swallowing right away, let it melt on your tongue a little so the flavors linger in your mouth. Some people enjoy dark chocolate with red wine or whiskey, as the two can complement one another. While chocolate is delicious as is, try to experiment with different flavors. Salted chocolate, chili chocolate, and rosemary chocolate are some delicious options to try.
2. Chocolate Cheesecake
If you have slightly lower quality chocolate, or just like the idea of something different, it can be used to create a fantastic dessert. For example, chocolate cheesecake is a favorite for children and adults alike. A rich cheesecake is a perfect way to finish off a meal or even to enjoy with coffee during the afternoon. Even better, it keeps in the fridge so you can either make it ahead or continue to enjoy it later on.
3. Hot Chocolate
Unlike hot cocoa, which is made with cocoa powder, hot chocolate is made directly from chocolate bars. Because the bar already contains sugar, cocoa butter, and sometimes milk or vanilla, the resultant drink is usually far more rich and decadent. Hot chocolate is common in Europe, Mexico, and South America, although it varies from country to country. For example, Spanish hot chocolate is very thick and often served with churros, almost more like a pudding than a drink. Some recipes use cornstarch as a thickening agent to achieve this. But most versions of hot chocolate are made by melting pieces of chocolate with milk, making a warm and comforting drink. You can either use ordinary bars of dark, bittersweet, or semisweet chocolate, or specially designed chocolate tablets or flakes that melt in hot milk.
4. Chocolate as an Ingredient
Chocolate is typically seen as a sweet thing, as bars of chocolate normally contain a measure of sugar. However, very dark chocolate and cocoa are more bitter and complex than sweet. Because of this, it can be an ingredient in certain savory dishes. In tiny quantities, chocolate or cocoa can add depth and complexity to a dish, as well as the unique flavors of the chocolate itself. Most famously, chocolate is used in Mexican mole, but you can use it in moderation with some other dishes.
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