For any small business, having a website is vital. There is so much that is digital right now, with more and more people looking for things online and searching for businesses to use and work with online. Having a website set up is a good thing, but just having it and not doing anything with it isn't enough. Getting your website found online will help your business to grow as more and more people will find out about what you do; the site can't stay stagnant. Getting noticed online by Google, for example, isn't something that is always easy. However, there are a number of tried and tested methods to make sure that you can improve how well you rank on search engines and ensure that people are finding your website online for all of the right reasons. When they do, they're more likely to stick around and see what you have to offer. More visitors will mean more customers, so it pays to make an effort with your online marketing and search engine optimization.
Website Design
One of the first things to think about is the design of your website. If someone looks your site up or it comes up in an online search and they click on it but it doesn't look good, isn't responsive, or isn't professional looking, it can seem untrustworthy; and people are much more likely to click away from the site. If you have an online store, then it is also worth looking into custom e-commerce web design to really ramp up your sales. By enabling a custom design, you can have features that pop up or show what other customers bought when someone puts a similar item in their cart. These small things can lead to more sales and getting returning customers too.
Help Search Engines to Find You
Google and other search engines are always looking online or crawling the web to find new pages to add to their index and to update any existing pages. You can do these search engines a favor and make your website much easier to go through. The quicker that search engines can do this, the more that your site will be added to the search engine index; and that means you'll come up in online search results much more quickly. You can help search engines to do this by starting with relevant keywords to your website. This can be using titles in the right way, having the keywords in the website or site page URL, and including image descriptions, meta descriptions, and other details. Doing this will show to the search engine that your site is relevant to that keyword, such as 'wedding planning' or 'gifts for her'. Another way to do this is by linking your site's pages so that your website is much easier to look (or crawl) through. By adding internal links that link to other relevant pages, blog posts, or product pages, it shows that the site is more authoritative. These are all simple things that can be done themselves.
Google My Business
If you want to get found online, then it can make a difference to use the Google My Business tool through Google. This means you can add a location to a store or office, contact details, and customers can also leave reviews. This is another way to get found, especially if someone uses your business name specifically, and it shows that you are a business that is trustworthy and reliable. You will find this for most businesses that you use, so doing it for your own business can be a benefit which helps yourself.
Work With Notable Websites
If you want to create some external links back to your blog, then working with websites that are already indexed and noticed by search engines can help especially if you are a new business. There are a number of ways that you can do this including finding bloggers to work with who have a regular audience and following. You could invite them to write a guest post for your website's blog, which is something that they will then share with their followers and audience. As long as you choose a relevant blogger to your business, it will help introduce your business to a whole new group of people. You could also work with them by asking to be featured in a post of theirs, such as in a gift guide if your business is a gifting website. This generates a link back to your blog, as well as promotion of a specific product. You could even offer to create a guest post for their website in another effort to get your business website seen to a new audience and create a website backlink. By working with bloggers and influencers and other websites in this way, you will likely find that it can be a very effective tool. Just remember that there needs to be something in it for both parties in order for it to be a collaboration. Plus, you should only work with blogs and websites that are relevant to what you do; otherwise, your content could get seen by the people who won't become your customers.
Use Social Media
People might not necessarily be looking up your website; but often, they will look something up on social media. For example, if you sell seasonal items, people can look up ideas and gifts through hashtags as well as when friends, family, or influencers tag certain brands. Plus, if you have your own social media channels, you can share your content which can be shared again by followers in order to promote new things to your following thus all leading them back to your website.
There are so many things that you can do to get your website seen online. Small steps make a difference, and there is a lot that you can do yourself. Just make sure that you are up to date with it all and keep updating your website with good content on a regular basis.
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