Whether skilled or not, Houston has struggled to find professionals to fill manual labor roles. This has had a huge impact on businesses across the spectrum, from construction to entertainment, as the Leader News has highlighted. Every business relies on the hard work of skilled trade workers and their counterparts that help to shift building blocks and undertake the toughest work that many businesses rely on. Bridging the gap and helping to fill these roles is a challenge, but a few key areas show why it's so important that it's done to get the city moving again.
Appliance Repair
Business and home appliances are in various states of disrepair due to the ongoing lack of labor available. Research by Ibis World shows that manufacturers and repair companies are being forced to charge higher costs due to disruption throughout the supply chain, creating problems for customers and ultimately problems for the suppliers themselves. As demand increases in Houston, the market is calling for experienced appliance repair professionals to mitigate the situation.
Construction Projects
It has been well known since 2017 that the floods and extreme weather events that seem to disproportionately impact Houston are widely considered to be a result of poor infrastructure planning. The Atlantic highlights how old and crumbling public facilities are exacerbating problems and need replacing. The money has been made available under successive administrations; but without the workers to complete it, it promises to continue rumbling on.
Home Renovations
A middle ground in skilled and unskilled labor, home renovation is an important area of economic recovery. The impact of staying at home and greater levels of equity than ever before mean that many American homeowners are eager to start repairing and renovating their property—an effort that requires input from a wide range of parties to be completed effectively. While infrastructure and emergency repairs are likely to take precedence in the overall manual labour industry, the benefits of having skilled workmen once again able to work on home renovation will be huge in the overall economic recovery of the region.
The impact that a shortage in manual labor creates is more nuanced and deep-seated than you might think. The lack of labor is creating issues that transcend mere inconvenience. New impetus is needed in the manual labor workforce, and it's needed now; homeowners have the work to provide, and the city needs that resilience from the impacts of ever more destructive weather patterns.
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