boom, boom, BAM ... boom, boom, BAM ...
Teasing the crowd with a preview taste of We Will Rock You,
Gary Mullen and The Works whet the audience appetite with a few foreshadowing beats to open their show One Night of Queen, a concert tribute to one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Under an impressive arena-rock-show type lighting system and a theatrical cloud of 'smoke', the mustached Mullen strutted across the stage for two full energy-packed hours in bright white spandex pants performing signature arched-backed Freddie Mercury moves while belting out tunes like Somebody to Love,
Fat Bottomed Girls,
and Bohemian Rhapsody
with uncanny resemblance and accuracy.
Audience interaction was at a premium as Mullen accepted drinks from patrons, took pictures of fans with their own cameras, and engaged the crowd in rounds of sing-back 'duets'. He even playfully bopped one lady on the head for arriving late before telling her and her friend, You're going to stand up and take off your bras and then buy the crowd a drink to say you're sorry!
It was, of course, all in great fun—the two ladies had smiles plastered to their faces for the rest of the evening as they flipped their hair and gigged like school girls. Launching off a powerful run of hit songs after intermission like an impressive fireworks show finale, the band cranked out anthems like Radio Ga Ga,
Crazy Little Thing Called Love,
the promised We Will Rock You,
and of course, We Are the Champions
as the crowd willingly obeyed Mullen's directive, I want to see you up shaking your asses!
Since winning ITV's Stars in their Eyes in 2000 by receiving a record breaking number of votes, Gary Mullen, previously a computer salesman, has been recognized world-wide as the closest thing to Freddie Mercury. He tours with his band, The Works, consisting of pianist Malcolm Gentles, drummer Jonathan Evans, and bass guitarist Billy Moffat, as well as lead guitarist Davie Brockett, who looks, acts, and sounds something like a young Ted Nugent or Peter Frampton and has such lightning fast fingers that he was mentioned in Total Guitar magazine as being one of Scotland's best guitarists.
Gary Mullen and The Works are currently touring, so be sure to catch this exciting One Night of Queen show when it comes your way. It is most definitely A Kind of Magic.
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Gary Mullen and The Works
One Night of Queen Performed by Gary Mullen and The Works
Gary Mullen, recognized worldwide as the closest thing to Freddie Mercury, performs a tribute to the music and theatrics of the iconic band Queen.