Having a regular date night is important. It reminds you why you fell in love with your partner, and can keep that spark alive. It can be hard to come up with clever, creative date ideas week after week. While that isn't necessarily what it's all about, it's still fun to be able to surprise your partner and sweep them off their feet from time to time. So, if you're used to spending your date nights going out to the same restaurants, seeing movies at the same theater, or going mini-golfing ... again, why not switch it up a bit next time? You don't need a big budget to treat your date to a trip around the world. All it takes is a bit of creativity.
Set the Tone With Decor and Music
The best part about a date around the world
is that you can have it from the comfort of your own home. Set the mood right away by creating a playlist of different music from around the world, or at least from the countries you'd like to feature throughout the night. Apps like Spotify can help to create curated playlists of songs that are popular in different countries, so you don't have to worry about putting together the perfect mix. You can also decorate your house to reflect different countries using various colors and notable items from those places.
The Right Food to Set the Mood
Food is a huge part of any culture, and every country has its own specialty dish. Think about what might be fun to make and what your partner might enjoy. You could start off in the Greek islands with hummus and pita chips, before moving on to Spain with an easy seafood paella. Enjoy some French or Italian wine with your meal to tie everything together, and finish it off with a few gourmet chocolates. Really, the sky's the limit when it comes to your menu options; so have fun with this part of the date.
Settling in for the Evening
Once you've finished dinner, you can ramp up the cozy
factor of your romantic evening by watching a movie with the one you love on the couch. Don't forget to bring that bottle of wine with you. Of course, it's important to keep your worldly theme here, too. Choose a movie like My Big Fat Greek Wedding as a little nod to different countries and cultures. You could even go all out and select a film from a different country, complete with subtitles.
The best part about creating a 3 Tips for an International-Themed Date Night is that you can do it again and again, and it will be different each time. Ask your partner where they want to go next time, and you can easily make it happen. It's a fun way to feel like you're exploring the globe without having to leave the comfort of your home, and it's a thoughtful and romantic way to spend date night together.