The number of rehabilitation centers in the United States is constantly growing. If in 2010 there were about 13 thousand of them, in 2023 there will be more than 17 thousand. This shows how serious the problem with drug addiction is in the country. At the same time, for some people, providing services in the field of rehabilitation is seen as a business, where the most important thing is not treatment, but making a profit. How, when you want to help yourself or a loved one, not to end up in a rehab that will waste your time and money? We have collected a list of questions that you should find answers to before going to a particular institution.
Where is Rehab Located?
The answer to this question depends on what kind of program you plan to undergo. If it involves partial hospitalization or outpatient treatment, it is more convenient when the rehab is in close proximity to your home. In this case, you will not have to spend a lot of time on the road. But this option is relevant in case of a relatively mild form of addiction, when it is possible to avoid hospitalization.
If the addiction is medium or strong, it is more effective to stay in the rehab for some time, for example, 28-30 days. In this case, it makes sense to choose an institution that is further away from home. Here the factor of change of environment works, which has a favorable effect on the course of rehabilitation: a person gets rid of many triggers, gets to a different place, perhaps even in a different climate. For example, if you live in the northern or eastern states, it is better to look for a clinic in the south. A suitable alcohol and drug rehab can be found in Southern California. There is a large concentration of treatment centers offering a full range of services.
What Programs Does the Treatment Center Offer?
The path to healing any addiction involves several steps: removing the drug from the body, dealing with withdrawal symptoms, and comprehensive therapy to restore the mind and body. But depending on the substance a person abuses, rehabilitation has its own peculiarities. For this reason, you should not go to a clinic that treats heroin addiction if there are problems with prescription drugs When choosing a rehab, one should find out if it has a specific treatment program for a particular addiction. This will allow you to choose an institution whose professionals have relevant experience.
The next thing to consider is the nature of the programs. There are two main types:
- Outpatient Treatment: The patient stays at home most of the time, visiting the clinic only to get help. This option is suitable for mild forms of addiction or those who have already undergone inpatient rehab;
- Inpatient Treatment: The patient stays at the rehab all the time, where he or she receives round-the-clock help. This option is the most effective in terms of relapse prevention.
What exactly to choose, your doctor will tell you after a full examination.
Does the Clinic Have All the Necessary Documents to Operate?
Make sure that the clinic has licenses and certifications to ensure that the services provided are of a high standard. This will not only help to make the treatment more effective, but also to preserve your health and life. Why is this very important? During the detoxification stage, certain medications should be prescribed to the patient. If they are wrong, the consequences can be irreversible.
Who Provides Treatment and Patient Care?
A reputable center that offers drug rehab essex (or elsewhere) tends to be about comfort among many other things. First of all, there should be qualified staff. The website of the rehabilitation center should present the staff working in it. Information about them will help to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of treatment.
What do People Who Have Undergone Treatment Say About the Rehab?
An important point is reviews! As about any other service, they can be positive and negative. The peculiarity of reviews about rehabs is that people willingly share how much the treatment helped them. Words of gratitude can be found both on the websites of treatment centers and on third-party platforms. You should be wary of clinics that have no reviews at all. In this case, they are either very new, or the effectiveness of rehabilitation in them is at an unsatisfactory level.
How Much Does it Cost?
Only after several good options have been selected, it makes sense to compare them in terms of service prices. The cost can vary from 10-20 thousand to 40-100 thousand. It all depends on the level of service offered by the clinic. It remains only to decide whether the rehab is suitable for the price, whether the insurance covers the costs, whether there are installment options and so on. In any case, it is an important investment in the future, because your health and life depend on it.