If you're on a bit of a health kick this year, then you might be wondering what you're supposed to do when you go to a restaurant. You may have cut back on eating out, but you can hardly cut back on catch ups with friends, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. For this reason, being prepared is crucial. Being health conscious is amazing, but you don't have to be perfect. Below, we'll talk about how to order in a restaurant when you're being health conscious:
Avoid Gorging on Bread and Breadsticks Beforehand
One of the first things you want to do is avoid picking at the bread or breadsticks on the table beforehand. Doing this will not only spoil the dinner that you order, but will mean eating a ton of useless carbs and calories that you didn't really need. Ask for them to be taken away if nobody else minds.
Make Sure You Haven't Starved Yourself All Day
If you have starved yourself all day in preparation for this meal, then of course you're going to want to eat what's on the table. Think about it. Just eat as you usually would, so that when it comes to eating at the restaurant you're not absolutely ravenous. Be sensible.
Let Them Know If You Have Special Requirements
Let the restaurant know if you have any special requirements beforehand. Most restaurants will be happy to accommodate you if you do. For instance, they will often swap fries for salad, or hold the sauce/put it on the side if you want to make sure the meal isn't super calorific. If you have another side in mind, just ask. Most restaurants will know how to make items like cabbage and probably won't mind putting something in a bowl for you.
Eat Slowly
Make sure you eat slowly. Focus on your food and chew slowly, putting your knife and fork down in between bites. People who eat slowly tend to be healthier and have a healthier bodyweight. You may be overeating if you eat too quickly. This also allows you to listen to your body's natural hunger cues.
Savor Every Bite
Really savor and enjoy every bite of your meal. Don't scroll on your phone or get distracted. Focusing on your food can make a huge difference when eating out.
Read the Menu Before You Go
If you don't want to end up in panic mode when you arrive at the restaurant, read the menu online before you go. This will ensure you know exactly what you want and will enable you to order first so that you aren't tempted to copy the orders of the people you are with.
Just Pick Something You Enjoy and Don't Guilt Yourself
All of the above is all well and good, but you can still eat the foods you love in moderation. Just pick something you love, eat it, enjoy it, and move on. Don't guilt yourself. Life is way too short for that!