Chocolates are great; flowers are fabulous. But in the eagerness to wrap a bow around your Valentine's Day gifts nice and early, don't let yourself get pressured into buying your beau a mass manufactured gift that, while expensive in monetary terms, ends up being ... heartless. In our society, we tend to deal with every situation by throwing money at it. But that's not Valentine's Day is all about. It's about celebrating the relationship you have with that certain special someone. It's about showing them what they mean to you in every way ... and that can be difficult to articulate with the kinds of mass manufactured gifts that you see in stores. If you've always nurtured a creative talent, now's the time to prepare something really special for your significant other in advance of the big day. With that in mind, here are some creative gifts for Valentine's Day that show real love, as nobody else in the world can.
Write a Poem
The greatest poets, sonnetists, and dramatists of our time composed bouquets of words rather than flowers to articulate the depth of their love. If you're a wordsmith by trade or by inclination, why not try to compose a symphony of language that uses evocative imagery and heartfelt sentiment to communicate your love? Whether you hand it to them discreetly as you kiss them goodbye in the morning or frame and hang it in your living room, there's no truer statement of love.
Compose Their Own Theme Tune
If you're musically gifted, you know that notes and chords can often speak way more eloquently than words and verses. With that in mind, you might need to take to your mixing desk, put on your headphones, and start creating. Whether you draw inspiration from romantic ballads, cinematic scores, or timeless pop hits, creating a song that's just for them is a beautiful and unique romantic gift.
Craft Some Jewelery
Who doesn't love to receive jewelery on Valentine's Day? But buying store-bought jewelery can be needlessly expensive not to mention having a potential for sizing issues. Imagine the look on your SO's face when they open the box to see a completely bespoke piece of jewelery that's made just for them. If you've always had a knack for metalwork (and still have the equipment necessary) there are plenty of online resources where you can get the raw materials, support, and guidance to craft something truly special.
Make a Tasty Treat
Those who come alive creatively in the kitchen might want to create a collage of flavors and textures for their Valentine that's as sweet as any rose and as aromatic as any perfume. While others might draw the line at toast cut into heart shapes, you can work your culinary magic with nuances of color, texture, taste, and aroma to create dishes that excite and ignite the senses. The perfect way to say I love you
after a long, hard day's work.