BvB Dallas
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Cotton Bowl
Fair Park
Fair Park
3750 Midway Plaza
Dallas, Texas 75210
Dallas, Texas 75210
Check website for ticket details.
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BvB Dallas (formerly Blondes vs. Brunettes Dallas) is tackling Alzheimer's disease by hosting an annual powder-puff football game as a way of providing fun, fellowship, philanthropy and enjoyment
while raising money for Alzheimer's research and awareness. This young-professional organization, founded by two sisters whose father was afflicted by Alzheimer's, has raised over $3 million dollars and counting. Your donation to the cause includes entrance to the game as well as the after-party. Please note that no physical tickets are issued and all donor's names are held at will-call at the stadium.
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BvB Dallas
Today is Game Day: BvB Dallas
Today is the day where one team will rise, and one will fall. The goal to Tackle Alzheimer's Disease.