Come on boys, let's have some adventures!
This was the day's opening exhortation given by a nearby costumed young man to his small clan of junior-high-aged followers clad in Arthurian-era wizard cloaks. Our unspoken response to his noble mandate?
Challenge accepted!
And thus began our first-time investigative journey through Scarborough Renaissance Festival where thoughts of 21st century life are replaced with the sights and sounds of 16th Century England. The 35-acre time-warp environment whisks visitors back to an age of knights and nobles, fairies and falconers, dragons and drinking, maidens and merriment.
Falcons and Elephants and Mice, Oh My
After a heartfelt song about nature performed by Prudence, the court composer, and a quick spin around the yard on a live elephant, we ventured off to the Birds of Prey exhibit (where one hawk swooped startlingly close overhead) before heading over to the Fire Whip Show (featuring the 12-time Guinness World Record holder for whip-cracking). Our afternoon activities consisted of chatting up a Turkish mermaid at the recently-expanded Mermaid Lagoon, holding our imaginary breath as some well-behaved vermin walked the tight rope (literally hundreds of rat-feet above the ground), and laughing as drunken sailor Axel the Sot appeared to pour his drink into his ear and spit it out his mouth. A Grand Parade which brought together villagers, artisans, the Royal Court, and even King Henry VIII preceded our trip to the jousting arena where we rooted for good guys Sir William and the Nicolas Cage-like Sir Tristan (who did unfortunately receive a simulated battle injury ... but no worries, 'twas only a flesh wound).
Juggling the Options
All-day continuous entertainment by a very friendly, extremely interactive cast of street performers, musicians, and comedians included sword fighting by romantics Don Juan and Miguel, lessons in silliness by the Fool Hearty Marquise and Ima Nutt, precarious stunts by Cale the Juggler, and spooneristic manglings of childhood fairy tales
by Zilch the Tory Steller. Knight took pawn with a sword in the Human Chess Match, a father-son team cut up while throwing knives, camel rides offered an exotic flair ... aaaand who could resist the beauty and pageantry of the thoroughbred turtle racing? For slightly more risque entertainment however, one may consider sitting in on Arthur Greenleaf Holmes' Wildly Inappropriate Poetry reading and/or braving the insults of Christophe the Insulter (both shows rated PG-16). While artistic demonstrations include glassblowing, soap making, metal working, and candle carving, patrons can also enjoy activities like face painting, hair braiding, henna arts, massage, and olde type portraits along with artisan shopping for apparel, jewelry, leather goods, cigars, stained glass, armor, and much more.
Turkey Legs and Beer on the Wall
With a large selection of kitchens including a full-service restaurant and bar, food options include festival favorites like roasted turkey legs, steak-on-a-stake, fresh fruit, funnel cake fries, and even ye olde fryed macaroni and cheese on a stick as well as additional specialty items such as seafood etouffee, Grecian gyros, Scotch eggs, and more. Daily wine and beer tastings are conducted by knowledgeable professionals; and should you desire a more raucous endeavor, transportation for a pub crawl can be arranged via a one-man-drawn wagon.
To Dress or not to Dress ... Up
Although you are certainly most welcome to attend the festival in casual modern attire like a t-shirt and jeans, guests can also be seen in a wide spectrum of varying degrees of costume. Whether you choose a simple ribboned flower garland for your hair or decide to attend the event decked out in full Renaissance regalia, you'll likely feel warmly welcomed and completely comfortable. Small items are available for purchase at craft shoppes throughout the park, and a variety of costumes can be rented at the costume shop just inside the front gate.
Know Before You Go
Scarborough Renaissance Festival is located 30 minutes south of Dallas/Ft. Worth in Waxahachie, and is extremely easy to find (just follow the single-file line of traffic west on FM66). Wandering aimlessly around the grounds is encouraged, although a convenient program (available for nominal purchase at entry) contains the daily schedule should you wish to attend a particular show. There's a lot to see at the festival, so we suggest arriving early (which will ensure reasonably close free parking as well). Wear comfortable walking shoes, and don't forget to slather on some sunscreen.
Be aware that performers and servers do appreciate gratuities, so you'll want to bring a pocketful of one dollar bills or hit the ATM onsite. Tip well enough, and you may hear a loud, Huzzah to the tipper!
More Information
Scarborough Renaissance Festival is open, rain or shine, every Saturday and Sunday for eight consecutive weekends through Memorial Day Monday.
See additional information below or visit:
Scarborough Renaissance Festival