DFW Rescue Me
Kibble and Cocktails event benefiting DFW Rescue Me features specialty drinks and bites from some of Dallas' top restaurants.
DFW Rescue Me
Kibble and Cocktails event benefiting DFW Rescue Me features specialty drinks and bites from some of Dallas' top restaurants.
DFW Rescue Me
Kibble and Cocktails event benefiting DFW Rescue Me features specialty drinks and bites from some of Dallas' top restaurants.
DFW Rescue Me
Kibble and Cocktails event benefiting DFW Rescue Me features specialty drinks and bites from some of Dallas' top restaurants.
DFW Rescue Me
Denton, Texas 76206
DFW Rescue Me is all-volunteer, foster-based, non-profit organization with a mission to provide a new leash on life
for lost, abused, and abandoned dogs. With an estimated six to eight million dogs and cats euthanized in shelters each year, DFW Rescue Me strives to have a positive impact on those statistics through adoption programs [and] teaching responsible pet ownership.
Warning: Further reading may induce a slight sensation of tugging ... at your heartstrings.
In honor of a particular four-month-old pit bull puppy which was found in 2012 after having suffered unthinkable physical abuse, DFW Rescue Me developed the Justice fund in order to ensure that other such victimized dogs have an opportunity to receive the necessary medical care and a safe, loving home environment. The Voices for Justice program also works collaboratively with area elementary schools offering classroom presentations and take-home materials which encourage students to treat pets with love, care and respect.
You too have a chance to bring comfort and hope to one of these sweet dogs by donating, fostering, volunteering or even adopting a pet. And you'll definitely want to consider attending one of the adoption outreaches or fund-raising affairs such as DFW Rescue Me's chic annual Kibble and Cocktails food and beverage event which features delectable cuisine from top local restaurants along with live music, a live auction of fabulous prizes, and much more.
Wondering now what types of furry friends are currently searching for their forever homes? Scroll through the organization's long list of precious canines eagerly waiting to become someone's next best friend and fine loyal companion.
At least one of them is sure to steal your heart.
See additional information below or visit:
DFW Rescue Me
Kibble and Cocktails
Source: DFW Rescue Me
Help give a dog a new leash on life
by attending the Kibble and Cocktails food and beverage event featuring delicious bites and specialty drinks from some of Dallas' top restaurants. Come ready for a chance to win fabulous prizes, participate in the brief live auction, and have a tail-wagging great time
at this annual event which promises to be bigger, Kibblier, Cocktailier and all around better than ever.
All proceeds directly benefit DFW Rescue Me and the Justice Fund.
See additional information below or visit:
DFW Rescue Me | Kibble and Cocktails