Theater Review: Oedipus el Rey

Oedipus el Rey: Daniel Duque-Estrada, Philippe Bowgen, and David Lugo

Nature or nurture? The question is centuries old. Are we the puppet-like victims of a divinely-appointed and inescapable fate, or do we maintain a personal free will and the ability to control the circumstances of our own lives? Dallas Theater Center explores this thought-provoking concept in its newest production Oedipus el Rey, a modern adaptation of Sophocles’ ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex about a young man over whom it is prophesied at birth that he will eventually kill his father and marry his mother. To read our recap review and find out more about the extraordinary way in which DTC Artistic Director Kevin Moriarty has fashioned Luis Alfaro’s surprisingly contemporary play, choose one of the following to determine which path you’d like to take:

(I'm vaguely familiar with the story and would like to know about the intricacies of the production. I'm not concerned about spoiler alerts.)

(I'm not familiar with the story and would like to experience the surprises as they are presented on stage. Don't tell me the ending.)