No one ever expects to fall in love on their travels. It's not usually even high on the priorities; they just want to see the world, enjoy the experience, and meet some cool and interested people without worrying about whether someone likes them back. However, sometimes, you can't help but meet someone; and even if you don't expect it, you fall head over heels for them. The holiday romance is nothing new, but the traveling romance is a little different; and if you're happy to stick it out, here's some advice on what to do when you fall in love while traveling.
Don't Forget Everyone Else
As soon as you meet whoever you think is the one, you will want to spend all of your time with them. This is understandable, and it's no different from falling in love at home. However, just because you have met the person of your dreams doesn't mean that you should forget about everybody else. As tempting as it is to spend all day together, you still need other friends—just like you'd need other friends in the 'real world'. Remembering this will give you each the chance to hang out with others which will reduce the risk of being exhausted by one another too soon.
Take Time to Figure Each Other Out
Very few people know who they are when they travel, especially if they're fresh out of college or taking a year off. For this reason, you must give each other time to figure yourselves out. You can't expect to have a loving and healthy relationship if you don't know what you want from life. So don't be afraid to give yourself some time to work out what you want and why you're traveling, and only then will you be able to learn about each other.
Make as Many Memories as Possible
Whether the relationship lasts a month or for the rest of your life, this type of romance is unlike anything else you'll experience, so make sure to make as many memories as possible. Visit all the cool sites you've heard about, go on an adventure, take a road trip, and don't worry about tomorrow, but just live for the moment.
Talk About the Future
If you realize that you cannot imagine the rest of your lives without one another, you will need to talk about the future. Ask each other your plans and how long you plan to stay traveling. If all goes well, you can consider visiting each other, taking your relationship to new heights, researching how to get a green card, and even looking at employment opportunities. For many, it's often a surprise that something that began as a simple smile across the hostel transformed into something so amazing.
Love on the Road
Falling in love on your travels does not happen to everybody, and you may even worry that you will need to say goodbye once your visa expires or you go your separate ways. However, you usually know when someone is worth sticking around for, and deciding to forget about your itinerary and seeing the world together will be worth it.